Debtor Support

 Debtor Support Page 

In all fairness to the judgment debtor, we here at Titan Judgment Recovery are not emotionally invested in our cases, nor do we try to make *moral* judgments of debtors who happen to be on the enforcement end of things. However, we can and do provide several ways for debtors to pay or Satisfy their judgments.

Debtors may pay by:

  • Most Major Credit Cards (Full Amount)
  • Most Major Credit Cards (Automatic Recurring Payments)
  • Paper/E-Check (Full Amount)
  • E-check (Automatic Recurring Payments)
  • Cash (By Bonded Courier)
  • Bank Wire Transfers
  • Bartering goods and services (In rare cases)
  • Precious Metals (Gold, Platinum)
  • Western Union Money Transfer
  • Voluntary Payment Plan

In the event that  you are a judgment debtor on a case that we are currently enforcing, we encourage you to voluntarily pay what is owed to avoid further costs and legal expenses.

Debtors paying with Credit cards with or without PayPal accounts, whether you desire to  pay the full amount or needing to set up a scheduled payment you may click on the payments tab above to securely pay your judgments. Any Debtors with regular or business checking accounts may also pay securely by using PayPal or may contact us to set up Checks-by-Phone or Checks by Fax. All other debtors will need to call the firm to set up or arrange  a payment schedule.   Simply click here to make a payment.

                       Sources of Debtor Funds

In brainstorming with other debtors, they actually found money in ways they had not previously thought of.  The ideas they found were able to be  used  to satisfy their judgments and recieve their letter of satisfaction. Its been reported that satisfying their obligations was like taking a weight off of their chest.


Here are just a few sources:

1. Loans- Some people have just  gone out and received a loan  from a bank, credit union or other source and used that loan to satisfy their judgment.                            

2. Garage Sale- Some people have raised large amounts of money through a garage sale and used that to pay off a judgment.

3. Family- Some have asked family members for a personal loan they used to satisfy their judgment.

4. Credit Cards- Others have used credit cards to pay off their judgment, and made the small monthly payments on their CC’s.

5. 2 nd job- Some people have used the income from a second job to pay off their judgment.

6. Payday loans- Several Debtors of found a payday loan to be a perfect way to get the cash they needed to satisfy their Judgment.

7. Pawn shop-  Lots of  people utilize Pawn shops to get quick cash by selling household items, jewelry, tools, etc.

8. Friends-  Many people have friends that would loan them money if they only asked.  They say “thats what friends are for”.

9. Car Title loans-  Many people have used  TitleMAX and other car title loan company’s to get the cash they needed to pay off and satisfy their judgment. Some people have lots of equity built into their vehicles that they could tap into.

10. Tax Return-  Many people have wisely used tax return money to pay off and satisfy their judgment debt.

11. Sell things using internet-  Many people have been successful in raising money by selling things on the internet using free classified ads such as,, ebayclassifieds, etc.

The above list are just a few ways other judgment debtors have used to get the cash they needed to pay off their judgment debt and receive their letter of satisfaction and wipe their slates clean.

We encourage you to use the above ideas, mix and match, or create a few of your own. 


If  you have any questions or comments you can email us at:

or call us at 678-287-0675 

